The other night Tak and i were talking about camp. He was like, "it's coming up in 4 weeks!" We were both like, "yay!" Then i was like, "so that means im also leaving in 4 weeks," and my initial reaction was 'YAY.' Smiling from ear to ear i looked at Tak and Tak looked back at me smiling.. and amongst our smiles i wondered if he was thinking that same thing i was?
It's pretty much safe to say that Tak and I have seen each other
e v e r y s i n g l e day for the past few years, give or take a few days. During the week days, we go to school together, if not, we work together, on weekends we go to the same church and activities together. And despite seeing each other every day, we still manage to talk on the phone on a daily basis. Now some would cringe at such a thought! "Don't we get sick of each other?" i hear some of you saying.. haha Well, no. Not at all. We still live our separate lives and do our own things and funnily enough, even though we see each other so much we somehow still find it hard to actually HANG OUT! But besides all that, this will be the first time i will be away from Tak for a period of time, 4 weeks infact. That is just WEIRD in comparison to the amount of time we spend together.
When i was planning this trip to Europe, Tak was hesitant on whether he could have gone because of work. I use to joke around saying i was jetting off with or without him! We talked about it for months and eventually it was confirmed that he couldn't go. Even though i knew for a while i would have been going alone, it hadn't clicked that i wouldn't have been going with him. Same concept i know, but different perspective with a world of a difference (to me anyways). I said to Tak that night, "i know i always joked around about going with or without you, but i don't know if i really can do this without you.."
My thoughts went a little further back to when we first met 10 years ago. Looking back I've basically spent my teenage years growing up with this guy. Man, who was i before i met him? Do i even remember.. not really! I was only a child! OK, the thought is scary but heart warming at the same time! And before this sounds like i'm complaining about going to Europe, im not. I realise how blessed i am to have this opportunity. I know the world won't stop either not being by Tak, but my point is that was definantly one of those defining moments. Although i always knew it, i was reminded again just how much this guy meant to me and what a big part he plays in my life. How i thank God for him.
I guess that dance by the shores of Greece will have to wait...